Global TCK Summit 2021 – Notes for Plenary #1

Resources mentioned by Danau

Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds – by David Pollock, Ruth Van Reken and Michael Pollock

TCK Relationships & Grief – by Ruth Van Reken

Growing Up in Transit: The Politics of Belonging at an International School by Danau Tanu on the diversity of Third Culture Kids and structural racism in international schools

TCKs of Asia (see past forums here)

Third Culture Stories – by TCKs of Asia

Tanya Crossman (see also her list or resources for TCKs)

For more resources, see also:

Breakout Session

Choose one question and share your response with the group. Share the time and take turns speaking. Be mindful of those who may not be fluent in English – speak clearly. (20 minutes total)

  1. What did you hear today that resonated with you or spoke to you? Why?
  2. Have you ever felt in stuck between two cultures that were not seen as equal?
  3. Do you experience a cultural gap between you and your parents (or others such as your extended family, in your school or college life, with your parents’ agency or sending church, etc.)? How does it affect your relationship with them?